Friday, May 9, 2008

1295. An adjustable wrench for removing the nut from a carriage or buggy wheel, you could remove the wheel and then push the wire by the middle handle to release some oil to lubricate the axle, patent number 610,553. One of these in slightly worse condition sold for $3300 at an auction several weeks ago.

1296. Text on the top of this device reads: "Fansteel Balkite Electrolytic Rectifier Cell", used for changing alternating current to direct current.

1297. Flare guns:

From the box they were found in:

An unused flare is seen on the left, along with an empty tear-gas shell, which these guns could also fire:

1298. A combination carving fork and meat holder, similar to the one in patent number 2,496,062, which states:
One of the particular uses for the improved holder herein is its use to hold meats, fowl, and other foods from slipping or twisting or oscillating while being carved either at the table or in the kitchen or at the restaurant counter or elsewhere.

Larger image

1299. A Fresnel lens from a small lighthouse on Lake Michigan:

1300. A Telegraph Relay, text on the small plate reads "1872 Edwards, No. 1238, 250 Ohms":

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